August 5, 2018 Pew News
Upcoming Events Date/Time
Choir Each Wed. @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Timothy Choir
If you would like to sing in the choir, please come to rehearsal on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Ladies Retreat
The Red River Region of the Cumberland Presbyterian Women is sponsoring a Ladies Retreat, September 28-29 at Lake Murray State Park, OK. Registration fee is $30.00. If interested, please pick up a registration form on the table beside the “Our Daily Bread” booklets.
Snacks for SPARKS Students
St. Timothy has agreed to provide snacks for the SPARKS students at Central Junior High. If you would like to participate in thministry, please bring these snacks to the church by August 10th. The most popular snacks last year were:
- Granola bars (especially the chewy ones)
- Goldfish or other crackers (small bags)
- Sandwich crackers Fruit Snacks Trail Mix pack
Blessing of the Backpacks
Students and teachers – please bring your backpacks to church on Sunday, August 19, for Blessing of the Backpacks.
The Ministry for a New Day! Capital Campaign
The Ministry for a New Day! Capital Campaign has raised over $46,000. We are excited about our progress since we launched the campaign at the end of April.